Page 75 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 75
n A. Listen to the full conversation and take notes. 를뭘홉톨
Man Woman
jng 0f • More 1
• ParE ?nts
• Thev lil <e that • Says h‘ ρ seeηl S
• Doesn' t want
s it will
• Wa nts • Th inlι
• Being or campus • H ’ ‘ vvould d
’ . ‘sks
• Brother t 「eats him . A니 、“
• Causes
• The living standards on campus are
B. Use your notes to complete the answers.
1. What are some reasons the students discuss for buying a car to get to university?
The students d iscuss
2. What are some reasons the students discuss for staying on campus?
The students d iscuss
t t Now practice the questions and answers with a partneι
C. Read the prompt.
The students discuss buying a car to get to university and living on campus
Describe the advantages of both choices. Then state which choice you think is
78 I Speaking I