Page 76 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 76
n D. Listen to the sample response and complete the outline. 률뭘웰
The conversation is about
A. Advantages of buying a car
1. Could live
2. It’s intrinsic
3. Will have
B. Advantages to staying on campus
1. Closer to
2. Facilities
Conclusion: 1 think
E. Write your own conclusion using the outline from above.
Conclusion: 1 think
률 률 F. Now work with a partneι Take turns saying your own response using the
outline from above.
Your time seconds Your partner’s time: seconds
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G. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
deviate estates tension intrinsic subordinates
1. A General of an army has many
2. When telling a true story, it is important not to from the truth.
3. Violence is an part of some contact sports ‘
4. The English countryside used to have many
5. There is a lot of between South and North Korea.
UNIT 7 Integrated 79