Page 71 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 71
률 률 A. Read the prompt. Then take turns answering the questions with a partner.
Talk about different aspects of your hometown.
1. How do you feel about your hometown’s schools? Why?
2. How do you feel about your hometown’s weather? Why?
3. How do you feel about entertainment in your hometown? Why?
4. How do you feel about how your hometown looks? Why?
B. Make a list of things that a city can improve with your classmates.
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C. Read the prompt. Then complete the answers with your own information.
What would you do to improve your hometown?
What? I would improve the
How? I would improve the by
Why? I would improve this because
Where? I would first start these improvements by
률 률 Now practice your answers with a partner.
D. Make a list of things that are bad about cities with a partner.
74 I Speaking I