Page 69 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 69

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       Step 1

       Read  the prompt.
             00 you think you  should  do a job for money or for the  love of it?

       Step 2
       Create an outline for your response.
                              ζ느                  그

                For the love                  For the money
                Pros                          Pros

                Cons                          Cons


       Step 3
       Write a response using your outline.

                It is important to do a job for               . This is imperative

             In addition ,
                             Others say it is better to work for
             1 disagree.  Ooing things for
             You  will
             You  should  do work for


       률 률 Work with a partneι Take turns saying your response. Then change partners
             two more times. Time yourselves!
             Your time:        seconds       Partner one’s time:       seconds
             Your time:        seconds       Partner two’s time:       seconds
             Your time:        seconds       Partner three’s time      seconds

       72  I Speaking  I
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