Page 80 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 80

[  08

       Getting Ready to Speak

       A.  learn the words.

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          preclous      valued
          errand        a small  thing you  must do
          chore         a small  task to be done, often  in  the  home
          picky         very  choosy
          hassle        a difficulty or thing that causes trouble

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          thereby       by means of that
          intimately    closely;  in  a personal relationship
          involve       to take part
          pursuit       a hobby or passion
          cater         to provide what is  wanted

       B.  Read  the prompt. Then answer the questions.
                                  Talk about your favorite food.
          1.  What is  your favorite food?
             My favorite food is
          2.  Who  makes this food  best?
                                                               makes this food  best.
          3.  Why is this food the best?
                                    is  the  best because

       률 률 Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.

       n c.  listen and repeat.  률뭘훨

                                                                UNIT 8  Independent  83
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