Page 84 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 84
| Integrate
Getting Ready to Speak
A. Learn the words.
snorkel a tube that allows a swimmer to breathe while their face is
under water
coral plant-like sea creatures with hard colored skeletons living in
비 빼 .m warm sea water
making something white or colorless
리 빡 獅 ‘ a simple plant without stems or leaves that lives in or near water
relating to the sea
-_le] 펙 il-" liI풍1 iIJ1 f:.1i'
exquisite beautiful
prompt to initiate
prediction a statement guessing that something will happen
photosynthetic able to make food using the light from the sun
elimination removal or destruction of something
n B. Listen to the first part of a lecture. Then answer the questions. 뭘월꽤
1. What is the lecture mainly about?
2. What has happened to the coral?
3. What do you think the professor will talk about?
률 률 Now practice the questions and answers with a partneι
n c. Listen and repeat. 뭘월빼
UNIT 8 Integrated 87