Page 87 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 87

Step 1
       n Listen to the lecture and take notes.  뭘훨휩

          •  Global  climate
          •  Predicted effects
          •  Melting  ice
          •  Animals  are
          •  Seventy frog  species
          •  Polar bears
          •  Recently
          •  Rising  sea levels
          •  Animals
          •  People’s
          •  To  reduce

       Step 2
       Read  the prompt.

             The  professor  describes  how  global  climate  is  getting  warmer.  Using  points
             and  examples from the  lecture, describe the effects this  has on the  Earth.

       Step 3
       Create an  outline for your response.

          The lecture is  about how global climate is  getting warmer
          A.  Effects
             1.  Melting  ice  sheets _
             2.  Polar bears and  seals
          B.  Rising  sea levels
             1.  Beaches
             2.  Homes
             3.  Drinking  water
          C.  Melting  ice and  rising
          Conclusion:  A warmer climate will  cause serious problems if habits are  not changed

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