Page 86 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 86
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α D. Listen to the sample response and complete the outline. 뭘월훨
The lecture is about
A. Coral bleaching
1. Coral
2. Temperature of
• Coral bleaching
3. Coral depends
• Toxins
B. For over a hundred
C. Effects
1. Fish and
2. Tourism and
Conclusion: Coral reefs
g 톨 E. Now work with a partner. Take turns saying your own response using the
outline from above.
Yo 니 r time seconds Your partner’s time: seconds
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F. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
prediction exquisite photosynthetic elimination prompts
1. Plants are the only organisms to have leaves.
2. Serious prog ress has been made in the of child labor
3. Global warming questions about pollution.
4. Weather forecasts can make an accurate using radars
5. Europe is famous for its buildings
UNIT 8 Integrated 89