Page 90 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 90
[ G9 | Independent
Getting Ready to Speak
A. Learn the words.
stimulating making a person or a part of the body more alert and aware
mundane boring
content satisfied; not wanting more or anything else
incredibly beyond belief
unity to act as one; oneness
challenging difficult
ambitious having a strong desire to have success
attain to accomplish something
camaraderie friendship
isolated separated from; alone
B. Read the prompt. Then answer the questions.
Talk about your father’s job.
1. What is your father’sjob?
My father is a
2. What is the best part about your father’s job?
The best part about my father’sjob is
3. Would you be interested in a job like your father's? Why?
I would/wouldn’t be interested in a job like my father’s because
t t Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.
n c. Listen and repeat. 뭘월훨
UNIT 9 Independent 93