Page 95 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 95
A. Read the announcement again and underline the key information.
Tuition Increase
The Oean of Students wou ld like to announce a pending tuition increase. This
is the first increase in the past five years. The maximum increase wil l be three
percent of the current tuition. The university has recently had many new students
enroll , and it needs this money to fund programs and facilities. These programs
will benefit current and new students. The increase wi ll start at the beginning of
next year. Some students may need to find supplementary funds for next year
Please check at the office for your new tuition rates
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α B. Listen to the conversation and take notes. 뭘월훌a
Woman Man
Thinks it’s
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|Ibe . Couldn
Couldn't ‘
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• Doesn 't know
• Wi ll take
lave to
• Wi ll h
• Will h ave to
.Thinks th lev should
C. Read the prompt.
The man expresses his opinion about the pending tuition increase. State his
opinion , and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
98 I Speaking I