Page 96 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 96
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n D. Listen to the sample response and complete the outline. 표월훨
The man thinks
A. Tuition
1. Is
B. He
1. Couldn’t
2. Had
3. Doesn’t
4. Will
C. He thinks the students should
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g 률 E. Now work with a partneι Take turns saying your own response using the
outline from above.
Your time: seconds Your partner’s time: seconds
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F. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
maxlmum dean accumulate substantial supplementary
1. Most people want to wealth.
2. At a 니 nivers ity , the is a very important person
3. Most classes have a number of students that can take the
4. Students can learn more if they have study materials.
5. Usually, a promotion comes with a pay Increase.
UNIT 9 Integrated 99