Page 79 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 79



       FiII  in the blanks with the correct words.

             distraction   living standards   rush-hour   tremendous   flow
             messes up    canoelng         traffic jams   scope       select

       1.  Somebody who is  liberal often has a wider        on  different issues
       2.                 is  a great way to see nature and get some exercise.
       3.                 are usually bigger problems in  big  urban cities  rather than  small
       4.  It is very frustrating when the server at a restaurant   your order.
       5.  It is widely accepted that the         in  Europe are higher than those in
       6.  A dam is a big wall  that stops the        of a river
       7.  Winning an Olympic gold medal is  a          accomplishment
       8.  In  co-ed  schools the opposite sex can  be a big
       9.  There are often a lot of radio commercials during       because
          everyone is in  their cars ‘
      10.  When entering university, st니 dents have to       what subject they want
          to study

       82  I Speaking I
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