Page 56 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 56

       E.  Read the prompt. Then underline the phrases you could use in your own response.

             Some  people think it is  better to shop  at  independent stores rather than  chain
             stαes .  What do you  think? Why?

             Reasons to sho~ at inde~endent stores
             •  better selection     •  cheaper            •  more convenient
             •  better service       •  support locals     •  better quality

       --‘1πííTil r:II:~】.t1':W:'.Tt IIIMiI rT'iT헤-
       n F.  Listen to the sample responses and complete the outlines.  뭘훨훨
                 Sample response 1                     Sample response 2
               g                                      g二깅

       Reason 1           Reason 2           Reason 1            Reason 2

       Conclusion:                           Conclusion:

       -_l']펙 a ‘a'’'LiIif;l ilT1 r:Ti'III ~m극-
       G.  Fill  in the blanks with the correct words.

            locals   standard of living   chain stores   hard-earned   wisely

       1.  Warren  Buffet is famous for          investing  in  companies and
          making  lots of money
       2.  People in  Africa have a much  lower         than Europeans have.
       3.  McDonald’s is one of the most popular           in  the world
       4.  When  you  visit a city,         can tell  you  a lot of information about it
       5.  Many people feel  better after a         accomplishment instead of one
          that was  really  easy
                                                               UNIT 6  Independent  59
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