Page 6 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 6

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       E.  Read the prompt. Then underline the phrases you could use in your own response.

             What is your favorite gadget, and why is it your favorite? Include specific reasons
             and details  in  your explanation

             Rea~ons it is your favorite gadg한                     〔。 φ  메  뼈  --  빼
             •  fun  to use        •  really handy             앉   써      t  빼   뼈
                                                           %       ] M   q
             •  a time saver       •  is  up-to-date

       ·"1ill'iTil ~ 협'Ie].,.:r*m •• lITUIiI필-
       n F.  Listen to the sample responses and complete the outlines. 를뭘훨
                 Sample response 1                     Sample response 2
                g                                     g=그깃

       Reason 1            Reason 2           Reason 1           Reason 2

       Conclusion:                            Conclusion:

       -_le]=- iI‘a'~ ílTI r:Ti'JI :n:tiiJCil굉-
       G.  Fill  in the blanks with the correct words.

              gadgets      up-to-date    commercials     tedious      irritate

       1.  The  newspaper was not              because it was three days old.
       2.  Men  tend  to  like small  electronic      more than  women.
       3.  Younger brothers and  sisters  can  often        their older siblings.

       4.  Putting lots of letters into  lots of envelopes can  be very   work.
       5.  People watch the American Super Bowl for both the  game and the new

                                                                 UNIT 1  Independent  9
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