Page 10 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 10
l·‘1꾀ïiTíl r::II : {투1π.1.IO"!*liliI.lITUI'iI필-
n D. Listen to the sample response and complete the outline. 를뭘훤
The conversation is about closing the campus hospital so that
A. The man is very
B. The hospital is
1. very
2. for students living in the dorms
C. Students will be
D. He had to
E. He can ’t go to another hospital because
1. he doesn’t
2. he doesn’t want
F. He will go
-‘:r.r주l~ 딩굵1륙ffi{극-
률 톨 E. Now work with a partneι Take turns saying your own response using the
outline from above.
Your time: seconds Your partner’s time: seconds
-~.l를페를i마ilïffi illl f3iTJI딩i:Tiiffi{혜-
F. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
diagnosis facilities physician recover treatments
1. If you are sick, you usually see a
2. There are many at a university.
3. It sometimes takes a long time to from a serious injury.
4. After doing some tests, a doctor can give a patient a
5. Doctors often try a few different to cure an illness.
UNIT 1 Integrated 13