Page 14 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 14

[ 02  ]

        Getting Ready to Speak

       A.  Learn the words.

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           re번녀at센ionship   significant connection;  similarity between two things
          worsen        to become or  make worse
          slim          thin
          work out      to exercíse
          loaded        to be filled with  or to contain  a lot of

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          determining   causing  α deciding something
          muscular      strong with  a good body shape; having a lot of muscles
          nutritional   minerals, vitamins, and other healthy things in  food
          preservatives  things put in  food to keep  it from  rotting or going bad
          force         to make  someone or something  do something  using  power

       B.  Read  the prompt. Then answer the questions.

                               Talk about your fast food  experience
          1.  Where do you  usually go when you want to  eat fast food?
             1  us 니 ally go to
          2.  How often  do you  eat fast food?
             1 eat fast food
          3.  How do you  feel  after you  eat fast food?
             After eating fast food ,  1 feel

       t  t  Now pra띠ce the questions and answers with a partneι

       n c.  Listen and repeat. 률헬빼

                                                                UNIT 2  Independent  17
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19