Page 18 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 18

Getting Ready to Speak

        A.  learn the words.


           marble        a type of hard  rock
           bronze        a metal  made from copper and  tin
           sculpt        to carve, model, α cast something  into a new shape
           skilled       able to do something especially well
           honor         to show respect to

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           intricate     having  many parts that are artfully put together
           ornate        excessively decorated
           dominate      to control or to have  much  more power
           renowned      well  known  or famous
           preserve      to make sure something lasts

        B.  Read the passage. Then  answer the questions.

                                      Roman  Sc 비 ptures
                 Roman sculptures were heavily influenced by Greek sc니 Iptures. Greek and
              Roman sculptures were both beautiful and very intricate. They had small elaborate
              carvings and  were very ornate. Sculpt니 res were  made to  show the  greatness
              of a man  or an  event.  They were often  put in  public places for all  to  see.
                 Roman sculptures were often made from marble or bronze.  Romans preferred
              bronze to marble.  Sculptures were often  sculpted  into the  design of buildings ,
              but the  most famous sculptures from this  period were almost all  stat니 es.
           1.  What were Roman  and Greek sculptures made from?
              Roman  and Greek sculptures were  made from         and
           2.  Why were sculptures  made?
              Sculptures were  made
           3.  What do you  think this  lecture will be about?
              1 think this  lecture will  be  about
        t  톨 Now pra대ce the questions and answers with a partner.

        n c.  listen and repeat. 를뭘훤
                                                                  UNIT 2  Integrated  21
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