Page 20 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 20
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n D. Listen to the sample response and complete the outline. 뭘월빠
The lecture and passage were about
A. Sculptures
1. Theyare
2. They are very
B. How it was learned
1. Greeks
2. Romans
C. Uses
1. Stories
2. Statues
D. Materials
1. Bronze
2. Marble
Conclusion: Greek and Roman sculptures are
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t t E. Now work with a partner. Take turns saying your own response using the
outline from above.
Your time: seconds Your partner’s time : seconds
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F. FiII in the blanks with the correct words.
intricate ornate dominates renowned preserve
1. Microsoft Windows the world market for computer operating
2. Pavarotti was a world opera smger
3. A watch is a very device with hundreds of different pieces.
4. Some museums old dinosaur bones.
5. The paintings on the roof of the Sistine Chapel are really
UNIT 2 Integrated 23