Page 12 - TOEFL_Basic-3
P. 12
Step 4
Create an outline for your response.
The conversation is abo니t the medical center now charging to see a doctor and __
A. The woman is
B. She went there last week
1. Got
2. Needs
C. The other students will be
1. They may avoid
2. They may get
D. There must be another
1. She will
2. She hopes the university will
Step 5
Write a response using your outline from above.
The conversation is about
. The woman is
She went there
. She is sure the other
students , and they may
As a result, many people may . She thinks that
, so
she is going to
g 률 Work with a partneι Take turns saying your response. Then change partners
two more times. Time yourselves!
Your time: seconds Partner one’s time: seconds
Your time: seconds Partner two’s time‘ seconds
Your time: seconds Partner three’s time seconds
UNIT 1 Integrated 15