Page 5 - Exam-2nd-2023-Mar
P. 5

No . 19

                   What is the most appropriate explanation for

                   Isabel’s change of heart revealed in the following

                   text? (다음 글에 드러난 ‘Isabel’의 심경 변화로 가장 적절
                   한 것은?)

               ① calm → surprised           ② doubtful → confident

               ③ envious → delighted      ④ grateful → frightened

               ⑤ indifferent → uneasy

                     nervous 초조한                                     doubt 의심

                     anticipation 기대감                                inspiration 영감

                     shake 떨쳐 내다                                     transform 변화시키다

                     plate (큰) 접시
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