Page 7 - Exam-2nd-2023-Mar
P. 7

No . 20

                   What is the most appropriate thing the author

                   argues in the following article? (다음 글에서 필자가
                   주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?)

             ① To develop creativity, you need to get out of your

                  familiar environment.

             ② The other party’s unreasonable demands must

                  be rejected as clearly as possible.

             ③ You must begin work after accurately

                  understanding the given task.

             ④ In order to handle work efficiently, you must

                  start by doing what you like.

             ⑤ You must have an accepting attitude when you

                  have to do something you don’t want to do.

                   unwanted 원하지 않는                                     compassion 연민

                   unpleasant 불편한, 불쾌한                                 suitable 적합한

                   environment 환경                                      task 과업

                   nonetheless 그럼에도 불구하고                               situation 상황

                   hatred 증오

                   develop 키우다

                   acceptance 수용
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