Page 347 - English Grammar in Use -Inter
P. 347

Key to Exercises

              UNIT 52                        53.2                           54.5
                                             2 making                       2  what to do
              3  don’t you                   3 listening                    3  how to ride
                                             4 applying                     4  whether to go
              4  were you
              5  does she                    5 reading                      5  where to put
                                             6 living                       6  how to use
              6  isn’t he
              7  did it                      7 travelling
                                             8 forgetting                   UNIT 55
              8  can’t you
              9  will they                   9 paying                       55.1
                                            10 trying
             10  aren’t there                                               2  or do you want me to lend
             11  shall we                   11 losing                          you some
                                            12 interrupting
             12  is it                                                      3  or would you like me to shut it
             13  aren’t I                    53.3                           4  or would you like me to show you
             14  would you                   2  I don’t mind you driving it.   5  or do you want me to repeat it
             15  hasn’t she                  3  Can you imagine anybody being so   6  or do you want me to wait
             16  should I                      stupid?                      55.2
             17  had he                      4  We can’t stop it raining.   2  to stay with them
             18  will you                    5  I don’t want to keep you waiting.  3  to call Joe.
              52.2                           53.4                           4  him to be careful
              2  It’s (very) expensive, isn’t it?  Example answers:         5  her to give him a hand
              3  The course was great, wasn’t it?  2  going out             55.3
              4  You’ve had your hair cut, haven’t   3  sitting on the floor  2  I didn’t expect it to rain.
                you?    or                   4  having a picnic             3  Let him do what he wants.
                You had your hair cut, didn’t you?  5 laughing              4  Tom’s glasses make him look older.
              5  She has a good voice, doesn’t she?    6  breaking down     5  I want you to know the truth.
                or    She has a good voice, hasn’t she?                     6  Sarah persuaded me to apply
                or    She’s got / She has got  a good   UNIT 54                for the job.
                voice, hasn’t she?           54.1                           7  My lawyer advised me not to
              6  It doesn’t look right, does it?  2  to help him               say anything to the police.
              7  This bridge isn’t very safe, is it?    or    3  to carry her bag (for her)  8  I was warned not to believe
                … doesn’t look very safe, does it?  4  to meet at 8 o’clock     everything he says.
              52.3                           5  to tell him her name / to give  9  Having a car enables you to
              2  Joe, you couldn’t help me (with this      him her name       get around more easily.
                table), could you?           6  not to tell anyone    or    (She   55.4
              3  Lisa, you don’t know where Sarah   promised) she wouldn’t tell anyone.  2  to do
                is, do you?    or            54.2                           3 cry
                … you haven’t seen Sarah, have you?  2  to get              4  to study
              4  Helen, you don’t have a tennis   3  to live                5 finish
                racket, do you?    or        4  to play                     6 do
                … you haven’t got a tennis racket,   5  to tell             7  to do
                have you?                    6 say    or    to say          8 drive
              5  Anna, you couldn’t take me to the                          9 change
                station, could you?    or                                  10  to work
                … you couldn’t give me a lift to the   2  to look
                                             3  to move
                station, could you?                                         UNIT 56
              6  Robert, you haven’t seen my keys,   4 waiting
                                             5  to finish                   56.1
                have you?
                                             6 barking                      2 driving
              UNIT 53                        7  to be                       3  to go
                                             8 having                       4 going
                                             9 missing                      5  to win
              2  playing tennis             10  to say                      6 asking
              3  going for a walk                                           7 asking
              4  causing the accident        54.4                           8  to answer
              5  waiting a few minutes       2  Tom appears to be worried   9 causing
              6  not telling the truth    or         about something.      10  to do
                (She admitted) lying.        3  You seem to know a lot of people.  11 being
                                             4  My English seems to be     12  to climb
                                                getting better.
                                                                           13  to tell
                                             5  That car appears to have   14  talking … to see
                                                broken down.
                                             6  Rachel seems to be enjoying her job.
                                             7  They claim to have solved the problem.

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