Page 352 - English Grammar in Use -Inter
P. 352
Key to Exercises
74.2 75.4 77.2
1 b university 1 stories 3 OK
c university 2 the words 4 … and the United States
d the university 3 the rooms 5 … than the north
2 a hospital 4 public transport 6 OK
b the hospital 5 All the books 7 OK
c the hospital 6 Life 8 … in the Swiss Alps
d hospital 7 The weather 9 The UK …
3 a prison 8 water 10 The Seychelles … in the Indian Ocean
b the prison 9 films (‘films with unhappy endings’ 11 OK
c prison in general) 12 The River Volga flows into the
4 a church Caspian Sea.
b church 77.3
c the church 76.1 2 (in) South America
1 b the cheetah
74.3 3 the Nile
c the kangaroo (and the rabbit)
2 to work 4 Sweden
3 bed 2 a the swan 5 the United States
b the penguin
4 at home 6 the Rockies
5 the bed c the owl 7 the Mediterranean
6 after work 3 a the wheel 8 Australia
7 in bed b the laser 9 the Pacific
8 home c the telescope 10 the Indian Ocean
9 work 4 a the rupee 11 the Thames
10 like home b the (Canadian) dollar 12 the Danube
c the … 13 Thailand
76.2 14 the Panama Canal
2 to school 2 a 7 a 15 the Amazon
3 at home or stayed home
3 the 8 The
(without at) UNIT 78
4 to work 4 a 9 the
5 the 10 a 78.1
5 at university 6 the 2 Turner’s in Carter Road
6 in bed 3 the Crown (Hotel) in Park Road
7 to hospital 76.3 4 St Peter’s in Market Street
8 in prison 2 the sick
3 the unemployed 5 the City Museum in George Street
UNIT 75 4 the injured 6 Blackstone’s in Forest Avenue
5 the elderly 7 Mario’s in George Street
75.1 8 Victoria Park at the end of Market
6 the rich
Example answers: Street
2–5 I like cats. 76.4 78.2
I don’t like zoos. 2 a German 2 The Eiffel Tower
I don’t mind snow. Germans / German people 3 Buckingham Palace
I’m not interested in boxing. 3 a Frenchman/Frenchwoman
the French / French people 4 The White House
75.2 5 The Kremlin
4 a Russian
1 b the apples Russians / Russian people 6 Broadway
2 a the people 7 The Acropolis
5 a Japanese
b people 8 Gatwick Airport
3 a names the Japanese / Japanese people
6 a Brazilian 78.3
b the names Brazilians / Brazilian people 2 St Paul’s Cathedral
4 a The First World War
7 an Englishman/Englishwoman 3 Central Park
b war 4 the Great Wall
5 a hard work the English / English people
8 … 5 Dublin Airport
b the work 6 The Classic
75.3 7 Liverpool University
3 spiders 77.1 8 the National Museum
4 meat 2 The doctor 9 Harrison’s
5 the questions 3 Doctor Thomas 10 Cathay Pacific
6 the people 4 Professor Brown 11 The Morning News
7 Biology 5 the President 12 the Leaning Tower
8 lies 6 President Kennedy 13 Cambridge University Press
9 The hotels 7 Inspector Roberts 14 the College of Art
10 The water 8 the Wilsons 15 The Imperial Hotel is in Baker Street.
11 the grass 9 the United States 16 The Statue of Liberty is at the
12 patience 10 France entrance to New York Harbor.