Page 352 - English Grammar in Use -Inter
P. 352

Key to Exercises

              74.2                           75.4                           77.2
              1 b university                 1 stories                      3  OK
                c university                 2  the words                   4  … and the United States
                 d  the university           3  the rooms                   5  … than the north
              2 a hospital                   4  public transport            6  OK
                b  the hospital              5  All the books               7  OK
                c  the hospital              6 Life                         8  … in the Swiss Alps
                d hospital                   7  The weather                 9  The UK …
              3 a prison                     8  water                      10  The Seychelles … in the Indian Ocean
                b  the prison                9  films (‘films with unhappy endings’   11  OK
                c prison                       in general)                 12  The River Volga flows into the
              4 a church                                                      Caspian Sea.
                                             UNIT 76
                b church                                                    77.3
                c  the church                76.1                           2  (in) South America
                                             1  b  the cheetah
              74.3                                                          3  the Nile
                                                c  the kangaroo (and the rabbit)
              2  to work                                                    4 Sweden
              3 bed                          2  a  the swan                 5  the United States
                                               b  the penguin
              4  at home                                                    6  the Rockies
              5  the bed                        c  the owl                  7  the Mediterranean
              6  after work                  3  a  the wheel                8 Australia
              7  in bed                        b  the laser                 9  the Pacific
              8 home                           c  the telescope            10  the Indian Ocean
              9 work                         4  a  the rupee               11  the Thames
             10  like home                     b  the (Canadian) dollar    12  the Danube
                                               c  the …                    13 Thailand
                                             76.2                          14  the Panama Canal
              2  to school                   2 a            7 a            15  the Amazon
              3  at home    or    stayed home
                                             3 the          8 The
                (without at)                                                UNIT 78
              4  to work                     4 a            9 the
                                             5 the         10 a             78.1
              5  at university               6 the                          2  Turner’s in Carter Road
              6  in bed                                                     3  the Crown (Hotel) in Park Road
              7  to hospital                 76.3                           4  St Peter’s in Market Street
              8  in prison                   2  the sick
                                             3  the unemployed              5  the City Museum in George Street
              UNIT 75                        4  the injured                 6  Blackstone’s in Forest Avenue
                                             5  the elderly                 7  Mario’s in George Street
              75.1                                                          8  Victoria Park at the end of Market
                                             6  the rich
              Example answers:                                                Street
              2–5  I like cats.              76.4                           78.2
                  I don’t like zoos.         2  a German                    2  The Eiffel Tower
                  I don’t mind snow.            Germans / German people     3  Buckingham Palace
                  I’m not interested in boxing.  3  a Frenchman/Frenchwoman
                                                the French / French people  4  The White House
              75.2                                                          5  The Kremlin
                                             4  a Russian
              1  b  the apples                  Russians / Russian people   6 Broadway
              2  a  the people                                              7  The Acropolis
                                             5  a Japanese
                b people                                                    8  Gatwick Airport
              3 a names                         the Japanese / Japanese people
                                             6  a Brazilian                 78.3
                 b  the names                   Brazilians / Brazilian people  2  St Paul’s Cathedral
              4  a  The First World War
                                             7  an Englishman/Englishwoman  3  Central Park
                b war                                                       4  the Great Wall
              5  a  hard work                   the English / English people
                                             8 …                            5  Dublin Airport
                b  the work                                                 6  The Classic
                                             UNIT 77
              75.3                                                          7  Liverpool University
              3 spiders                      77.1                           8  the National Museum
              4 meat                         2  The doctor                  9 Harrison’s
              5  the questions               3  Doctor Thomas              10  Cathay Pacific
              6  the people                  4  Professor Brown            11  The Morning News
              7 Biology                      5  the President              12  the Leaning Tower
              8 lies                         6  President Kennedy          13  Cambridge University Press
              9  The hotels                  7  Inspector Roberts          14  the College of Art
             10  The water                   8  the Wilsons                15  The Imperial Hotel is in Baker Street.
             11  the grass                   9  the United States          16  The Statue of Liberty is at the
             12 patience                    10 France                         entrance to New York Harbor.

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