Page 354 - English Grammar in Use -Inter
P. 354
Key to Exercises
83.3 84.3 UNIT 86
2 your own fault 2 There may be
3 her own ideas 3 There won’t be 3 no
4 your own problems 4 There’s / There is going to be
4 any
5 his own decisions 5 There used to be 5 None
6 there should be
83.4 6 no
2 make her own (clothes) 7 there wouldn’t be 7 none
3 clean your own (shoes) 84.4 8 any
4 bake our own (bread) 3 there will be an opportunity 9 no
5 write their own (songs) 4 There must have been a reason. 10 any
5 OK 11 none
6 OK 12 no
2 myself
3 our own 7 There used to be a lot of tourists 13 any
8 There’s no signal. 14 no
4 themselves
5 himself 9 OK 86.2
10 There’s sure to be a car park
6 their own 2 Nobody/No-one.
7 yourself somewhere. 3 None.
11 OK
8 her own 4 Nowhere.
12 there would be somebody … 5 None.
83.6 but there wasn’t anybody.
2 Sam and Chris are colleagues of 6 Nothing.
8 I’m not waiting for anybody/anyone.
mine. UNIT 85
3 I was scared. I didn’t want to go out 9 I didn’t buy any (bread).
85.1 10 I’m not going anywhere.
on my own. 2 some
4 In my last job I had my own office. 11 I haven’t read any (books).
3 any 12 It doesn’t cost anything.
5 He must be lonely. He’s always by 4 some
himself. 86.3
5 any … some
6 My parents have gone away with 6 any 2 nobody/no-one
some friends of theirs. 3 Nowhere
7 some
7 Are there any countries that produce 8 any 4 anything
all their own food? 5 Nobody/No-one
9 some
6 anywhere
10 any
UNIT 84 7 Nothing
11 some … any
84.1 8 Nothing. I couldn’t find anything
3 There’s / There is 85.2 I wanted.
2 somebody/someone 9 Nobody/No-one said anything.
4 there wasn’t
5 Is it 3 anybody/anyone 86.4
4 anything
6 Is there 2 nobody
7 there was 5 something 3 anyone
6 anything or anybody/anyone
8 It isn’t / It’s not 4 Anybody
9 There wasn’t 7 anybody/anyone 5 Nothing
8 somewhere
10 It’s / It is … there isn’t 6 Anything
11 It was 9 anybody/anyone 7 anything
10 something
12 Is there … there’s / there is 8 any
13 It’s / It is … There’s / There is 11 Anybody/Anyone 9 No-one … anyone
12 somebody/someone … anybody/
14 there was … It was
anyone UNIT 87
84.2 13 anywhere
2 There’s / There is a lot of salt in the 14 anything 87.1
soup. or … too much salt … 15 something 3 OK
3 There was nothing in the box. 16 something … anybody/anyone 4 It cost a lot to …
4 There were about 50 people at the 17 somebody/someone … anybody/ 5 OK
meeting. anyone 6 You have a lot of luggage.
5 There’s / There is a lot of violence in 18 anybody/anyone anything 7 OK
the film. 8 … know many people or … know
85.3 a lot of people
6 (example answers)
There is a lot to do in this town. / 2 Any day 9 OK
3 Anything 10 He travels a lot.
… plenty to do in this town. /
… a lot happening in this town. or 4 anybody/anyone 87.2
5 Any job or Anything
There are a lot of places to go in 2 He has (got) plenty of money.
this town. 6 anywhere 3 There’s plenty of room.
7 Anybody/Anyone
4 … she still has plenty to learn.
5 There is plenty to see.
6 There are plenty of hotels.