Page 353 - English Grammar in Use -Inter
P. 353
Key to Exercises
UNIT 79 80.3 UNIT 82
2 school football team
79.1 82.1
2 don’t 6 pair 3 film production company 2 hurt himself
4 life insurance policy
3 doesn’t 7 are 3 blame herself
4 some 8 a 5 tourist information office 4 put yourself
5 them 9 it 80.4 5 enjoyed themselves
2 two-hour 6 burn yourself
3 two hours 7 express myself
2 means 6 news
3 series 7 species 4 twenty-pound 82.2
5 ten-pound
4 species 8 means 2 me
5 series 6 15-minute 3 myself
7 60 minutes
79.3 8 twelve-storey 4 us
2 don’t 5 yourself
9 five days
3 want 10 Five-star 6 you
4 was 7 ourselves
11 six years old
5 are 12 six-year-old 8 them
6 is or are 9 themselves
7 Do UNIT 81 82.3
8 do or does 3 feel
9 enjoy 4 dried myself
10 is or are 3 your friend’s umbrella 5 concentrate
4 OK
79.4 5 James’s daughter 6 defend yourself
2 is too hot 6 Helen and Andy’s son 7 meeting
3 isn’t enough money 7 OK 8 relax
4 isn’t long enough 8 OK 82.4
5 is a lot to carry 9 Your children’s friends 2 themselves
79.5 10 OK 3 each other
3 … wearing black jeans. 11 Our neighbours’ garden 4 each other
4 … very nice people. 12 David’s hair 5 themselves
5 OK 13 OK 6 each other
6 There was a police officer / a 14 my best friend’s party 7 ourselves
policeman / a policewoman … 15 OK 8 each other
7 These scissors aren’t … 16 Ben’s parents’ car 9 introduced ourselves to each other
8 OK (The company has is also correct) 17 OK 82.5
9 … is a very rare species. 18 OK (the government’s policy is 2 I made it myself
10 Twelve hours is … also OK) 3 Laura told me herself / Laura herself
81.2 told me
2 father’s 4 know themselves
80.1 3 apples 5 cuts it himself
3 train ticket 4 Children’s 6 do it yourself?
4 ticket machine 5 Switzerland’s
5 hotel staff 6 parents’ UNIT 83
6 exam results 7 photos 83.1
7 race horse 8 someone else’s 2 We met a relative of yours.
8 horse race 9 Shakespeare’s 3 Jason borrowed a book of mine.
9 running shoes
81.3 4 I met Lisa and some friends of hers.
10 shoe shop 5 We had dinner with a neighbour
11 shop window 2 Last week’s storm caused a lot of
damage. of ours.
12 window cleaner 6 I went on holiday with two friends
13 a construction company scandal 3 The town’s only cinema has closed
down. of mine.
14 car factory workers 7 I met a friend of Amy’s at the party.
15 road improvement scheme 4 Britain’s weather is very changeable.
5 The region’s main industry is tourism. 8 It’s always been an ambition of
16 New York department store
mine to travel round the world.
80.2 81.4
2 seat belt 2 twenty minutes’ walk 83.2
3 credit card 3 two weeks’ holiday / fourteen days’ 2 his own opinions
4 weather forecast holiday / a fortnight’s holiday 3 her own business
5 washing machine 4 an/one hour’s sleep 4 our own words
5 its own private beach
6 wedding ring
7 room number
8 birthday party
9 truck driver 353