Page 355 - English Grammar in Use -Inter
P. 355

Key to Exercises

              87.3                           88.4                           90.2
              2 little                       2  All of them                 2  The whole team played well.
              3 many                         3  none of us                  3  He ate the whole box (of chocolates).
              4  few                         4  some of it                  4  They searched the whole house.
              5 little                       5  none of them                5  The whole family plays tennis.    or
              6 many                         6  Some of them                  … play tennis.
              7 little                       7  all of it                   6  Sarah/She worked the whole day.
              8 much                         8  none of it                  7  It rained the whole week.
              9  few                                                        8  Sarah worked all day.
                                             UNIT 89                        9  It rained all week.
              2  a few dollars               89.1                           90.3
              3  little traffic              2 Neither                      2  every four hours
              4  a few years ago             3 both                         3  every four years
              5  a little time               4 Either                       4  every five minutes
              6  only a few words            5 Neither                      5  every six months
              7  Few people                  6 both
              87.5                           89.2                           2  every day
              2  a little                    2 either                       3  all day
              3  a few                       3 both                         4  The whole building
              4  few                         4  Neither of                  5  Every time
              5 little                       5  neither driver … both / both the /   6  all the time
              6  a little                      both of the cars             7  all my luggage
              7 little                       6  both / both of
              8  a few                       89.3                           UNIT 91
              9  a few                       2  either of them              91.1
             10  a little                    3  both of them                3 Each
                                             4  Neither of us               4 Every
              UNIT 88                        5  neither of them             5 Each
                                                                            6 every
              88.1                           89.4
              3 —                            3  The movie was both boring and long.  7 each
                                                                            8 every
              4 of                           4  Neither Joe nor Sam has a car.    or
              5 —                              … has got a car.             91.2
              6 —                            5  Emily speaks both German and   3 Every
              7 of                             Russian.                     4 Each
              8 of                           6  Ben neither watches TV nor  5 every
              9  —  (of is also correct)        reads newspapers.           6 every
             10 —                            7  That man’s name is either   7  each of
             11 —                               Richard or Robert.          8 every
             12 of                           8  I have neither the time nor  9 each
                                                the money to go on holiday.  10 Every
              3  of my spare time            9  We can leave either today or   11  each of
                                               tomorrow.                   12 each
              4 accidents
              5  of the buildings            89.5                           91.3
              6  of her friends              2 either       5 any           2  Sonia and I had ten pounds
              7  of the population           3 any          6 either          each.    or
              8 birds                        4 none         7 neither         Sonia and I each had ten pounds.
              9  of the players                                             3  Those postcards cost a pound each
             10  of her opinions             UNIT 90                          / … one pound each.    or
             11  European countries          90.1                             Those postcards are a pound each /
             12  (of) my dinner              3 Everybody/Everyone             … one pound each
              88.3                           4 Everything                   4  We paid  200 dollars each.    or
              Example answers:               5 all                            We each paid 200 dollars.
              2  the time                    6 everybody/everyone           91.4
              3  my friends                  7 everything                   2 everyone
              4  (of) the questions          8 All                          3  every one (2 words)
              5  the pictures / the photos / the   9 everybody/everyone     4 Everyone
                photographs                 10 All                          5  every one (2 words)
              6  (of) the money             11 everything
                                            12 Everybody/Everyone
                                            13 All
                                            14 everything

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