Page 10 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 10

        n o.  니sten to the sample response and complete the outline. 를헬렐
             The man thinks the  change in  hours is
             A.  It will  give him more time
                1.  to finish
                2.  to  study
             B.  The  man
                1.  can’t study
                2.  does everything
             C.  He thinks the  longer hours

        률 률  E.  Now work with a partneι Take turns saying your own response using the
                outline from above.
                Your time:        seconds      Your partner’s time:      seconds

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        F.  Fill  in the blanks with the correct words.

               permanent        ordinary      access        due to       final

          1.  The  doctor says  her illness is       . She won ’t get better.
          2.  A ski  trip  may be cancelled         bad weather.
          3.  At the end  of the year, many students have a        exam.
          4.   1  had to work a few extra shifts  last week, but this week  1’m going back to my
          5.  In  public places, you  often  need an  account to    a computer

                                                                 UNIT 1  Integrated  21
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