Page 5 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 5
률 률 Ä. Read the prompt. Then take turns answering the questions with a partner.
Talk about what you do on weekends.
1. Where do you go?
2. Where do you eat dinner?
3. What is something special that you sometimes do on the weekend?
4. Is there something special that you do every weekend? If so, what?
B. Make a list of weekend activity words and phrases with your classmates.
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C. Read the prompt. Then complete the answers with your own information.
Talk about differences between the weekend and during the week.
What? During the week, 1
On the weekend , 1
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What time? 빼 씨
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Who? 씨
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률 률 Now practice your answers with a partner.
D. Make a list of weekday activity words and phrases with a partner. List different
activities from those listed in part B.
16 I Speaking I