Page 37 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 37
Step 1
Read the prompt.
Some people think that living in the countryside is better because it is safer and
healthier. Others think that living in the city is better because there are more
things to do and because you meet different types of people. What is your opinion?
Step 2
Create an outline for your response.
It is: You can:
It has:
Think that:
Step 3
Write a response using your outline from above.
I think that living in the has more advantages
than living in the
The city has
The countryside, unlike the city, has
is good because
Moreover, the
Living in the is better because
t t Work with a pa야ner. Take turns saying your response. Then change paπners
two more times. Time yourselves!
Your time: seconds Partner one’s time: seconds
Your time seconds Partner two’s time seconds
Your time: seconds Partner three’s time: seconds
48 I Speaking I