Page 41 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 41

Step 1
        n Listen to t뼈e lec따띠tu뼈
           •  Polar animals are  special
           •  They have to
           •  Caribou and  musk oxen eat
           •  Foxes and  wolves eat
           •  Caribou migrate
           •  Musk oxen  have
           •  Polar bears and whales have a
           •  Some animals change
           •  Arctic birds change from                               In  summer

        Step 2

        Read the prompt.

             The professor describes how polar animals adapt to the Arctic. Using points and
              examples from  the  lecture, describe the ways that polar animals adapt

        Step 3
        Create an outline for your response.
           The  lecture is  about how polar animals live in  the Arctic.
             A.  Food
               1.  Caribou  and  musk oxen  eat
               2.  Foxes and wolves eat
             B.  Protection from  the  cold
               1.  Caribou
                2.  Musk oxen
               3.  Polar bears and whales
             C. Protection from  enemies
           Conclusion: Arctic animals have adapted well to their environment

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