Page 46 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 46

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        E.  Read the prompt. Then underline the phrases you could use in your own response.

             Some people like physical activities such  as  playing sports. Other  people like
             nonphysical activities, such as watching TV or reading books ‘  What do you prefer?

             Reasons to prefer physical or nonphysical activities
             •  getting healthy   • getting  hurt       •  get a suntan or sunburn
             •  relaxing          •  it  is challenging   •  it  is entertaining

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       n F.  Listen to the sample responses and complete the outlines.  圖훌3

                 Sample response 1                     Sample response 2 .
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        First reason:      Second reason:    First reason:      Second reason:

        Like because:                        Like because:

        Think that:                          Think that:

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       G.  Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

               physical   nonphysical    participate   socializing   connects

          1.  Many high school students spend a lot of their free time   with their
          2.  Climbing to the top of Mt.  Everest is an  extraordinary   accomplishment.
          3.  In  a good movie, the audience always       with  the story.
          4.  It  is important to       in  class if you want to  understand things  better
          5.  Reading  is  a good example of a       activity.
                                                              UNIT 5  Independent  57
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