Page 48 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 48
| Integrated 0
Getting Ready to Speak
A. Learn the words.
-.~‘즉’l'~ iIIlt: r.l',", - 떼 빼 빼
셔야 때 ·m a ψ 빼 뼈 e a 빼
m 앓 빼 ” r+11 댔 rl
∞ 때 n a 、 m 뼈
announce to say something publicly
available able to be contacted
frequent to visit regularly
appoint to assign a duty to
random without a plan; no pattern
B. Read the announcement. Then answer the questions.
New Study Center
We are pleased to announce the opening of the Bower Study Center on September
12η The center will be open from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. every day of the week. Students
will have access to computers. Student tutors will be available to help students
with homework. We encourage students to frequent the center regularly.
1. What will happen?
A new
2. What services will it offer?
will be available.
3. What do you think the conversation will be about?
I think the conversation will be about
톨 률 Now pra띠ce the questions and answers with a partner.
n c. Listen and repeat. 짧훤
UNIT 5 Integrated 59