Page 54 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 54

[  06

        Getting Ready to Speak

        A.  Learn the words.

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          spend       to  pay money
          concert     a live musical performance
          save        accumulate money

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          spare       extra
          fashion     clothing style
          modern      new; trendy
          allow       let something happen
          emergency  sudden crisis that needs attention

        B.  Read the prompt. Then answer the questions.

                             Talk about what you do with your money.
          1.  What do you  usually buy?
             I usually buy
          2.  How do you  normally get your money?
             I normally get money from
          3.  In the future, what do you  want to  buy?
             In the future, I want to buy

        톨 률 Now pra대ce the questions and answers with a partner.

       n c.  Listen and repeat. 뭘월힐

                                                               UNIT 6  Independent  65
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