Page 55 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 55


        률 률 Ä.  Read the prompt. Then take turns answering the questions with a paπner.

                           Talk about the best things to spend money on.
           1.  What is the  best thing you  have bought?
           2.  What are you  happy that you  spent money on?
           3.  Is there something that you  wish  you  hadn’t spent your money on? Why?
           4.  What is one thing that you are excited to spend money on  in  the future? Why?

        B.  Make a list of words and phrases related to buying with your classmates.

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        C.  Read  the prompt. Then complete the answers with your own information.

                        Talk about something that you  wasted your money on.
           What?        One time that  1 wasted money was when
           When?        1  bought this
           Why?         1  bought this thing  because
           Why?         1 wasted  my money because

        g 톨 Now practice your answers with a partner.

        D.  Make a list of words and phrases related to wasting money with a partner.

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