Page 60 - TOEFL_Basic-1
P. 60
n D. Listen to the sample response and complete the outline. 뭘훨를
The lecture and passage were about astronomy and the solar system
A. Astronomers study
1. the
2. the size of planets and
B. Planets
1. There used to be nine, now
2. We use telescopes because
C. The planets are
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률 률 E. Now work with a partner. Take turns saying your own response using the
outline from above.
Your time: seconds Your partner’s time: seconds
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F. FiII in the blanks with the correct words.
explosions altogether consider spheres unlverse
1. What would you to be your favorite song?
2. AII of the planets in our solar system are shaped like
3. We caught ten fish
4. Astronomers study the planets, moons, and stars that make up the
5. The children were excited by the loud at the fireworks show.
UNIT 6 Integrated 71