Page 37 - 4-1.5 ESPE-Intermediate-book1.5
P. 37

Fun Facts: Cheetah

          If you look closely at a cheetah’s face, you’ll

          notice that they have black tear marks that

          begin from the corner of the eye and run

          down the sides of their face from their nose

          down to their mouths. This unique feature has

          big benefits for cheetahs: since they primarily                                              Comprehension Check:

          hunt during the day, unlike other big cats, the                                              Answer in complete sentences.

          tear marks help to reflect away the sun’s                                                    1. Why do cheetahs have black tear

          glare, making it easier for them to focus on                                                     marks?

          hunting their prey.                                                                              ____________________.

                                                                                                       2. What does the name cheetah
          The name cheetah has two meanings,                                                               mean?

          “hunting             leopard”             and          “many-colored,                            ____________________.

          distinctively marked”, owing to the cheetah’s                                                3. When do cheetahs hunt?

          bright, spotted appearance.                                                                      ____________________.
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