Page 38 - 4-1.5 ESPE-Intermediate-book1.5
P. 38
Fill in the blanks with correct words. Choices are displayed on the right.
Fun Facts: Gorilla
There are two species of gorilla in the world: the bamboo
____________ and the ____________. They're
found in high altitude montane and ____________ group
Gorillas are so genetically _________ to us. This
means that we share around ____________ of our Western gorilla
DNA with them. They are one of the biggest and primates
most powerful living ____________ in the world.
They spend about a quarter of their day eating, 98 percent
mainly plants.
At night, _________ of gorillas sleep together in
nests on the ground or in trees. _________ gorillas Eastern gorilla
will share their mother's nests, staying _________
and _________. similar