Page 75 - 4-1.5 ESPE-Intermediate-book1.5
P. 75
Jun: Sheena, look! There were supercomputers and minicomputers.
Sheena: Do you know their differences?
Jun: Let me guess. Supercomputers are big, while minicomputers are small.
Sheena: Not only that, supercomputers are powerful computers that process data at
high speed. You can find them in aerospace, petroleum, and automotive
Jun: What about minicomputers?
Sheena: Minicomputers are inexpensive yet multiprocessing computers with two or
more processors.
Jun: Are minicomputers similar to personal computers we have today?
Sheena: Kind of similar but minicomputers are more powerful than personal
Supercomputer (left)
Minicomputer (middle)
Old personal computer (right)