Page 4 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 4
Lesson 1
Time Management
Time is gold. Everybody would agree with this phrase that we should use time
productively. The key here is time management. It is taking control of one’s
activities, commitments and duties. Knowing what to prioritize may give us
time to do our hobbies such as watching television. In addition, it helps us
get things done, especially those which needed immediate attention. These
reduce stress as it helps us feel more in control. Just imagine how nerve-
racking it is when we have so little time and yet so much to do.
*Adage - a traditional saying which expresses common experience that
gained credit through long use
Example: Put your best foot forward
► You have to give your best in everything you do.
Blood is thicker than water
► Family bond is stronger than other kinds of relationship
such as between friends.
Questions punctual / productively
1. What does it mean when you say time is gold? / prioritize / immediate /
2. Are you always punctual?
3. How do you manage your time?
4. What are the benefits of being on time? Vocabulary & Expressions
5. Do you have a motto in life? Nerve-racking - annoying and stressful
Sample Answers In control - able to manage
1. Time is very precious that once spent you can never have it back.
2. Yes. I always come even before the scheduled time.
3. I manage my time by knowing which one to prioritize and by sticking with
my commitments.
4. One of the benefits is that you gain respect from people.
5. My motto in life is seize the day. It’s accomplishing a lot of things in a
given day.