Page 8 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 8

Lesson  2



                                                           People  nowadays  seek  greener  pasture
                                                 and  the  best  way  to  have  it  is  by  working  and
                                                 living abroad. The usual destination they go to is
                                                 USA,  the  land  of  milk  and  honey.  They  believe
                                                 migrating to America would make them richer and
                                                 avail the good things in life such as free education.
                                                 The sacrifice they have to make though is leaving
               everything behind which includes their relatives, friends and the dear place
               they grew up in. Another is the need to adjust to their new environment. Is it

               really worth migrating to a foreign country or is just enough to work on what you
               already have?

               Degrees of Comparison:
               *Comparative form of an adjective - we used this when we compare two
                 objects or persons.
               *Superlative form of an adjective - this is used when three or more things are
                 being compared.
                                 POSITIVE             COMPARATIVE           SUPERLATIVE FORM
                                   Wide                    Wider                    Widest
                                  Talented             More talented             Most talented
                                   Good                    Better                    Best
                                    Far                   Farther                  Furthest


               1. What is migration?                                                        Keywords
               2. Are you in favor of migrating to another country? Why?                 Seek / destination /
               3. Where would you like to migrate? Why?                                   migrating / avail
               4. What causes one to migrate?
               5. What are the preparations you should do before migrating?

                     Sample Answers
                                                                               Vocabulary & Expressions
               1. Migration is moving from one place (country)
                   to another.                                              Greener  pasture  -  a  better  situation
               2. Yes, especially if living in that country would           such as a better job or place.
                   make my life better.                                     Land of milk and honey - a place where
                                                                            there a lot of opportunities available
               3. I like to migrate to the United States. Working
                   there will give me a lot of benefits.
               4. One is forced to migrate because there aren’t enough job opportunities
                   available in their place.
               5. I will research about the law and culture of the country.

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