Page 48 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 48
Lesson 12
Plato once quoted, “Necessity is the mother
of invention”. To keep up with his needs, man
is always out to look for discovery. He thirsts
for knowledge to survive and make his life
better. He is constantly discovering new things
and thinking where he could apply it. That is
technology, the application of science. Anything
that is new or advanced can be considered a
technology. Without it, everything would be
primitive and basic. Imagine if they haven’t
discovered electricity. Now, electricity has a lot
of practical uses.
Double quotation marks “…”
► We use it to enclose a direct quotation.
► Plato once quoted, “Necessity is the mother of invention”.
1. What is technology? Practical / necessity /
2. What is the latest technology your aware of? advanced
3. What technology that has great contribution to
man’s survival?
4. Do you agree that technology has an ill effect to us?
5. If you could invent and discover something, in what field would it be?
Sample Answers
Vocabulary & Expressions
1. Technology is the application of science and Keep up with - to sustain
it is anything that is new and advanced. Primitive - simple; uncivilized
2. I’m aware of the latest gadgets such as cell Thirsts - desire
phones that are multi-functions.
3. I think the technology on how to produce energy has helped
man’s survival the most.
4. Yes, just like the invention of air coolants and hairspray.
These products emit CFC that resulted to Global warming.
5. It would be in the area of medicine.
The cure for cancer hasn’t been discovered yet.