Page 44 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 44

Lesson  11



                                                                     I  like  reading  short  stories  and
                                                              listening to real life experiences. These

                                                              inspire  me  to  have  a  positive  outlook.
                                                              Somehow,  I  could  relate  with  their
                                                              experiences. I draw courage from them
                                                              and learn from their mistakes. They give
                                                              me a bigger picture on how to deal with
                                                              circumstances. Hearing about people’s
                                                              account, their struggles and victory over
                                                              adversaries  is  the  driving  force  that

                                                              directs my purpose.


               *Gerund - is a verb which acts as a noun. They act as the subject or object
               of a main verb.
                       Example:  ► I like swimming.
                                     ► You like what? Swimming

               *Object of the verb answers the question what?
                       Swim is a verb, however when we add –ing in the end it becomes a
                       gerund and act as a noun.
                                                                                  relate / purpose / struggles
                                                                                          / victory
                1. Where do you get inspirations from?
                2. Have you inspired someone? In what way you’ve
                    influenced him?
                3. How does it feel to inspire someone?
                4 Please share an inspirational story you like the best.
                5. Do you express inspirations through writing?                 Vocabulary & Expressions

                                                                              Draw courage - get courage
                     Sample Answers                                           Adversaries - enemies or struggles
                                                                              Depicts - describes; represents

               1. I get inspirations from stories which depict success.
               2. A friend told me that I inspired him to be optimistic. She learned that we

                   have to enjoy and look at the bright side of life.
               3. I feel happy to have helped someone’s life because I inspired him.
               4. I like the story of The Alchemist. It’s about believing in your abilities and
                   staying optimistic.
               5. Yes, I like writing poetry and songs when I’m inspired.

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