Page 40 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 40

Lesson  10


               Pet Peeves

                                                            It’s  not  in  my  vocabulary  to  complain
                                                            about  things  but  there  are  stuffs  that
                                                            really  just  annoy  me.  Others  may  find
                                                            these  practices  acceptable  but  not  for
                                                            me. First on my pet peeve list is lying. No
                                                            one likes being lied to. I hate it when my
                                                            boyfriend fabricates stories to excuse his

                                                            wrong deeds.  Next, it really ticks me off
                                                            when someone breaks a promise to me.
                                                            It hurts me a lot to know that other person
               doesn’t care about my feelings. At workplace, I can’t stand my colleagues who
               think they are better than others. I also hate gossip mongers. Don’t they have
               a better thing to do?


                Contraction - is the shortening of a word, syllable, or word group by omission
                 of internal letters.

                              ► It’s (It is), doesn’t (does not), can’t (cannot) and don’t (do not)


               1. What is your pet peeve?

               2. Do you think you have habits that annoy others?                       Keywords
                   What is it?
               3 Are you doing anything to change it?                                Annoy / complain /
               4. Do you confront the person who is the source of
                   your annoyance?
               5. In your own opinion, why do we regard some things as unacceptable
                   while for others they really don’t care?

                                                                                Vocabulary & Expressions
                     Sample Answers
                                                                              Ticks me off - it annoys me
               1. I hate it when people bite their fingernails.               Gossip mongers - a person who
                                                                              enjoys gossiping
               2. Yes. I like joining and interrupting a group                Fabricate stories - to make-up or
                                                                              invent stories

               3. I always remind myself to be polite.
               4. If she really annoys me frequently, I’ll talk with him politely.
               5. We have individual differences such as values, culture and etc.
                   These influence our judgment about things.

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