Page 37 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 37


                   Choose the word that fits the given description.

                   1.   intense sadness
                          a. grief                      b. delight                   c. gladness

                   2.   caught in a fixed position
                          a. mobile                     b. stuck                     c. free

                   3.   of the highest importance
                          a. essential                  b. secondary                 c. unimportant

                   4.   having great achievement
                          a. misfortune                 b. lost                      c. triumph

                   5.   something mentally hurting
                          a. bitter                     b. pleasant                  c. easy


                   What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression used in the


                   1.  Winning the race was a piece of cake.

                          a. easy                      b. difficult          c. hard

                   2.  I was so tired that I hit the sack.
                          a. went to bed               b. went to school  c. hit the punching bag

                   3.  Break a leg for tonight’s performance.
                          a. good luck                 b. fold your legs  c. you might get hurt

                   4.  While arguing, you might blow your top.

                          a. get very angry            b. whistle            c. get windy

                   5.  I always make sure to drop someone a line for the holidays.
                          a. to visit                  b. to write a letter  c. to carry someone

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