Page 36 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 36

Lesson  9



                                                        We always wish for the good things. But life
                                                isn’t all beer and skittles. We cannot always have
                                                fun all the time. At one point, we have experienced
                                                disappointments, the failure to fulfill our wishes and
                                                expectations. As  long  as  we  live,  we’re  bound  to
                                                experience another pain for they are part of life. But
                                                life goes on. We cannot let ourselves be stuck in grief.
                                                The knowledge on how to deal with disappointments

                                                is essential. So, the next time we come across one,
                                                we wouldn’t be hurt that much. Also, we could only
                                                appreciate  the  sweetness  of  triumph  if  we  have
                                                already experience the bitter of failures.


                Idioms are expressions, words, or phrases that has figurative meaning.
                              ► get your act together- be more organized
                              ► born with a silver spoon in his mouth- born into a rich family


               1. Give me one disappointment you’ve had?
                   What did you do?                                                    Keywords
               2. What do you to make yourself feel better when                   Bound / grief / failures /
                   disappointed?                                                         triumph
               3. Is failing always a bad thing? Why or why not?

               4. How do you help a friend when he’s disappointed?
               5. What are the common causes of
                   disappointments?                                             Vocabulary & Expressions
                                                                              life isn’t all beer and skittles - life
                     Sample Answers                                           isn’t all about pleasure
                                                                              come across - encounter

               1. I was disappointed because I failed getting
                   the first honorary award. I told myself that there’s always the next time.
               2. I always tell myself that disappointments and failures are present to make
                   me a better person.
               3. No, because it challenges you to give all you have.
               4. I’ll comfort him and make him realize that he can do better next time.
               5. The aim for perfection   and expecting too much are the sources of

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