Page 71 - PowerE-L03-F
P. 71
Reading Comprehension
Answer each question using the details in the passage.
1. What is a national obligation of every Korean man?
a. to render 5 years of his life to military service
b. to render 2 years of military service
c. to render 10 years of military service
2. At what age is he expected to do military duties?
a. 18-35
b. 20-40
c. 25-45
3. and 4. Who are exempted from doing military work?
a. those who are physically and mentally unfit
b. those who are financially and mentally unfit
c. those who are socially and morally unfit
5. Where would he spend the first 5 weeks?
a. at scout camp
b. at training camp
c. at the camp fire