Page 12 - PowerE-L03-A
P. 12

Lesson  3



                                                              My friends often go to the park.
                                                              They like to play there with other children.

                                                              I sometimes join them on the swing.
                                                              It’s really a very nice place to have fun.


                                                                                        often / park / to play /
                                                                                           join / nice / fun

               *Frequency adverbs - always, usually, sometimes, often, never:
               Frequency adverbs are located in front of the main verb or behind
               be verb.
                       ► My mother always wakes me up early.
                       ► She usually wears blue jeans.
                       ► I am sometimes late for the meeting.


               1. Do you like to go to the park? Why or why not?
               2. How often do you go to the park?                                      Vocabulary &
               3. What do you usually do in the park?                                     Expressions
               4. When do you want to go to the park?                              swing: A seat hanging by
               5. How long does it take from your house to the                     two ropes
                 park?                                                             from the branch of a tree or
                                                                                   from a
                                                                                   metal frame, on which one
                     Sample Answers                                                sits on the
                                                                                   seat and rides back and
                                                                                   forth through
               1. Yes, I like to go to the park because I can play                 the air
                 with my classmates.                                               frequency: The number of

               2. I go there every weekend with my family or                       times it
                                                                                   happens during a particular
                 friends.                                                          period
               3. I usually ride a bicycle.                                        classmate: Students who
                                                                                   are in the
               4. I want to go to the park when I am sad.                          same class as you at school
               5. It takes about 20 minutes to get there.

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