Page 17 - PowerE-L03-A
P. 17
What term describes or defines the underlined word?
1. We went to a restaurant for dinner.
A. main meal of the day eaten in the evening
B. breakfast
C. lunch
2. I asked the waiter for drinking water.
A. a guard
B. someone who serves in a restaurant
C. the cashier
3. Mom likes eating native dishes.
A. international
B. local
C. foreign
4. After eating, we paid for the bill.
A. Fee for the services or goods taken
B. Donation
C. Money borrowed
5. I did not like the menu they serve.
A. a list of dishes being served
B. a list of ingredients for a recipe
C. a list of prices for the dishes
Choose the correct word for each sentence.
1. The soup was ( to, too, two ) hot.
2. Use the table napkin to ( wipes, wipe, wiped ) the glass.
3. Please use the spoon ( and, or, but ) fork while eating your meal.
4. Dianne likes to have a ( sweet, sweetly, sweeten ) dessert.
5. Please ( serve, serves, serving ) the salad.