Page 24 - PowerE-L05-C
P. 24

Lesson  6

               Married life

                                                           I  think   marriage   is   a   ritual   ceremony

                                                    created  by  society  to  organize  the division of
                                                    labor  between  men  and  women.  It’s a purely

                                                    economic  arrangement;  the  main  purpose  of
                                                    which is to assign workers to make the family

                                                    economic cake. The woman and the man (more

                                                    specially)  are  given  co-responsibility.  Marriage
               brings up children who become reasons to make the cake. Originally, mar-

               riage was instituted to provide a home and a means of subsistence for women
               who couldn’t fend for themselves because of the patriarchal (thus chauvinistic)

               nature of society. Times have changed and women are on an equal footing
               with men, but this atavistic practice still remains, consciously or unconsciously.

               Women  want  to  make  themselves  beautiful  because  they  want  to  increase
               their value in the marriage market, and men pretend (successfully at times) to

               have economic ability. Love is just icing on the cake, just a decoration to make
               a purely economic arrangement humanized and romanticized. Marriage is an

               economic activity mixed with a dash of spice so-called love.


               1. What does the writer think about marriage?
               2. What does “family economic cake” mean in this paragraph?
               3. How does the writer consider ‘love’ in married life?


               1. What do you think of marriage?
               2. Why do you think people marry?
               3. Are you compatible with your spouse? Why or why not?
               4. What do you think is the most important thing in marriage?

                                                 Vocabulary & Expressions

                     ritual : done in a fixed and expected way, but without real meaning or sincerity
                     assign : to give someone a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or
                     subsistence : the ability to live with very little money or food
                     fend for oneself : to look after oneself without needing help from other people
                     patriarchal : ruled or controlled only by men
                     atavistic : basic human feelings, that people have felt since humans have existed
                     spice : one of the various types of powder or seed, taken from plants, that you put into food you
                                 are cooking to give it a special taste

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