Page 28 - PowerE-L05-C
P. 28
Lesson 7
A typical conservative person is a preserver of great traditions and a protector
of the oldies but the goodies. On the other hand, it can also mean being close
minded and old-fashioned; then, I’d rather be a liberal person. I think we
ought first to define terms before we categorize ourselves under these
terms. As far as I’m concerned, a conservative person sticks to the tried and
tested norms of society while the liberal person is open to new ideas, even
those that challenge the established norms. Having defined these, I can then
say that I’m neither.
I break traditions when they are impractical, and I close my mind to new
ideas that are from radicals or extremists. I think that extremes are always
dangerous. Life does not present us with black and white options. Say, this
issue about international marriage in Korea. A hard boiled conservative
would oppose its tradition, and a true blue liberal would approve it for its
novelty. I ask such questions as, “Do they love each other?”, “Can they get
along well with the in-laws and the neighbors?”, and “Can they be happy
despite the brand new lifestyles?”
1. What are the characteristics of being conservative?
2. What are the characteristics of being liberal?
3. What is the writer’s point of view on being conservative and liberal?
1. Are you conservative or liberal? Why?
2. Are you a preserver of tradition or an innovator? Why?
3. Do you think that there are absolute standards or that everything is relative?
4. Do you agree that a conservative person is close minded and old-fashioned?
Vocabulary & Expressions
term : a word or expression that has a particular meaning, especially in a technical or scientific
stick to : to do or keep doing what you said you would do or what you believe in
norms : generally accepted standards of social behavior
impractical : an idea, suggestion or action that is impractical is not sensible because it would be
too difficult, too expensive, etc.
radical : radical opinions, ideas, leaders, etc. support thorough and complete social or political
extremist : someone who has extreme political opinions and aims and who is willing to do un
usual or illegal things in order to achieve them
novelty : something new and unusual which attracts people’s attention and interest